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 Sujet du message : Veshian
MessagePublié : 29 avr. 2016 11:54 

Inscription : 31 janv. 2011 18:47
Messages : 365
Localisation : Bouvron (54)
Salut à vous, je suis tombé sur cette vidéo :

Quelqu'un connait cette race?

 Sujet du message : Re: Veshian
MessagePublié : 29 avr. 2016 14:29 
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Inscription : 15 janv. 2011 00:42
Messages : 538
Salut Cédric, belle découverte !!
je ne connais pas mais j'ai trouvé quelques explications ici:


En gros c'est une race récemment créée par Robert Lockwood du Colorado.
il aurait utilisé 5 ou 6 race pour créer cette "race" qu'il a baptisé "vieshian".
Leur vol est rapide, saccadé avec de nombreux changements de direction, rappelant le vol des Viennois.
ils font du haut vol, des plongeons en kit sur environ 100m, et chose plus rare ils font des tonneaux quand il y a du vent....
Sur cette video on peut voir un pigeon faire deux tonneaux (vers 1mn 01 et 1mn 07 ) mais il vaut mieux la regarder sur youtube en 720p HD pour y voir clair :P

Dans l'article il est écrit qu'il en aurait donné seulement à 4 quatre personnes ou qu'il va bientôt leur en donner.

Merci pour le partage.

 Sujet du message : Re: Veshian
MessagePublié : 29 avr. 2016 19:12 

Inscription : 31 janv. 2011 18:47
Messages : 365
Localisation : Bouvron (54)
J'ai envoyé un message à l’auteur de la vidéo via Facebook ("Vieshian Black Pigeons") voici mon message et sa réponse :

MOI : Awesome birds! I have some Kelebeks so I'm used to see axial rolls and dives but here, the whole kit fly as a sigle one Kelebek!!! Where do they come from? As far as I know about flying pigeons, they are unknown in France!

L'ELEVEUR : Hi . They are a cross of 5-6 breeds but since Robert Lockwood doesn't tell which breeds he used nobody knows. But I have a pretty good idea of what went into them. There are only a few of us who Robert has sent birds to and I've been able to send Vieshians to a couple people. It has been a mix of failure and success. The vishiana require patience and a strict diet. Here's a long description of them. It's outdated by a year but it's still accurate... The vieshians are the results of over 6 years of work by Robert Lockwood of Colorado. He blended five or six breeds together to create a flying machine like no other. Robert has kept the breeds he used to create the vieshians a secret but he has left clues in the name of the breed and in their actual performance. The name "vieshian" is an anagram. He used parts of the names of the 5-6 breeds to create the name "vieshian". I can make an educated guess at three or four of the breeds used, based on appearance and performance. I'd rather not guess at the breeds publicly, as Mr. Lockwood still prefers to keep it to himself but I would love to hear other peoples' thoughts on the breeds they think may make up the vieshians. As far as performance goes, at this point I've only been flying them for one season and all my birds are still young birds. But they are some of the most athletic birds I've ever seen. Their list of performance traits is long. I generally refer to them as highflyers. While its true that they fly high (mine have flown beyond sight twice), that is only a small part of their abilities. They will dive as an entire kit. These aren't the type of dives that true divers, such as dewlaps, do. With vieshians, the entire kit will do short dives of 100' or so during flight. Often, the kit will twist during these dives, making them appear to be caught in a small tornado. Additionally, the vieshians do "barrel rolls" also called axle rolls. This is a rare characteristic in the pigeon world and leads to me guessing one of the breeds that went into their creation. These axle rolls are most common on windy days as the kit flies into the wind. The roll happens very fast and is easy to miss. Sometimes your only clue is when a bird appears to shoot out the side of the kit or drop out the bottom of the kit. And their typical flight is full of sharp turns and zig-zags. They almost seem allergic to flying in a straight line. Its a very active and thrilling sight. The vieshians are incredible to watch on windy days. I've flown them in 35mph wind but they are capable of much more. High wind tends to keep the kit lower but it increases their speed and the frequency of their sharp turns. In my opinion the ideal day for flying vieshians is when the temperature is 45F or lower. A light breeze of 10mph is perfect and during the fall and winter months a climbing barometer might be beneficial but I'm not positive about that. My kit will climb to 1000' in a matter of one minute but I have seen them go much higher on a regular basis. They remain at this initial height for 20-30 minutes, then they drop to 400-600', which is where they spend the majority of their airtime. One of the more controversial aspects of pigeon flying occurs when someone claims to have birds that are "hawk proof" or "evasive". I won't make any wild claims. I will only say, I have flown almost every day, all through autumn and most of the winter at this point. My yard is full of trees and hawks are extremely common. I have seen at least a dozen serious chases and I have seen twice that many times when a hawk shows up and surrenders without trying very hard. In all these occurrences I had one very young bird caught and another slightly older bird lost some feathers from its rump during a chase. I haven't had a hawk get close to them since their first molt. A few times hawks have attacked while the birds were on the loft getting ready to trap. Those were the closest calls. As far as falcons go, I don't have a falcon problem, so I don't know how the vieshians would do against them but I'm sure a falcon would be more successful than a hawk. All in all, the vieshians are an amazing breed but I have to admit, I had trouble getting the first round in the air and ultimately failed with them. I made some adjustments and have had success. If the vieshians have a fault, I guess it would be their sensitivity to feed. Very small changes have had disastrous effects for me. This could be strictly my fault. Others may not notice any such problem. At this point I only know of 4 people who Robert has sent vieshians to (or will have very soon). Reviews are still mixed. We will see in the coming year how everyone does. I would love to see more people raising vieshians but for the time being, I think we are all trying to build our own kits first, before we can consider parting with any. I want to remind the reader, my flying birds are not yet a year old at the time this was written. This is only what I can say about them up until now. Performance and behavior may change at any time.

I'm really glad to like the Vieshians!

 Sujet du message : Re: Veshian
MessagePublié : 16 mai 2016 22:37 
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Inscription : 28 sept. 2010 18:48
Messages : 393
et en plus il est capable d'échapper aux rapaces.
incroyable !

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